
Friday, February 02, 2007

Red Scarf Project

I'm kinda new at the whole blogger thing, so your patience is appreciated. I Planned on posting a little sooner but had some delays due to health problems.
I'm am so thankful for people in the world like Norma, and Mini. What would we do without them? Norma posted the latest "Red scarf" numbers today on her page 5500 scarves and 6500 estimated before the end of the week. I totally agree with her. There is definitely "POWER" in the blog, and Norma is a wonderful leader. "Scarves off to you" Norma. Enjoy your pancakes with pride. You can check out the whole story on her blog http://nownormaknits2.typepad.com/
I sent in two. I only found her site about a month ago. They were quickies, but turned out just fine. I think I will use the same pattern, but shorter for The Dulaan Project. You can also check that one out on Norma's blog site. Another very worthy project.
Speaking of worthy charity projects, hats or should I say "Moppets" off to Mini at http://minisoup.blogspot.com/
Working on finishing my first "moppet head" today. Check out her blog for all the details.
Loved both patterns picked by the Sexy Knitters group this month, but decided to sit this one out to join these project. Hope you will find some time to get on board too. Isn't that one of the best parts of our art? Sharing the joy with others?
Joyful knitting to all,